5 Lessons Rowan Has Taught Me - Happy 1st Birthday to Our Little Girl!

5 Lessons Rowan Has Taught Me - Happy 1st Birthday to Our Little Girl!

I feel like it’s normal to say, “I can’t believe Rowan is one already!” Truth is, the first year seems to have passed quickly, but the days were often long. Rowan is our first born, so there have been a lot of changes in our lives and schedules—the balancing act is real. You know what else is real? Mom brain. Sometimes I say things so out of order that Jeremy looks at me like I’m half nuts, but I still expect him to understand what I’m saying. Ha! Through and through, I wouldn’t change our new normal for anything and our life’s are so much more meaningful with Rowan.

Here I was thinking I’d be teaching her in life, when really she’s the one teaching me.


Lesson 1: Time is most important

Rowan was just a few days old when my concept of time completely changed. I was no longer wishing it would hurry up and be the weekend—I was enjoying Mondays for Mondays and Tuesdays for Tuesdays. I wanted to enjoy every day and hang on to precious moments that I knew one day would feel like passed too quickly.

Lesson 2: A messy house is OK

If you know me, you know I like a clean and orderly house. Everything is kept neat and has it’s place. Rowan is teaching me that a messy house is OK, because a messy house just means you’re living.

When she was born, my mom handed down a wood sign that her mother (my granny) made for her. It was displayed in her kitchen and I remember always seeing this sign, but the words didn’t resonate with me until I had Rowan. Here’s what is says:

“I hope my children look back on today and see a mother who had time to play. There will be years for cleaning and cooking, for children grow up when we are not looking.”

So when the floors aren’t clean or the kitchen counters need wiped down, I try to remember these words and make it a point to sit down in the floor with her and play.

Lesson 3: The best part of every day

You can have a really shitty day at work and then just about want to murder someone after sitting in rush hour traffic, but then swing into daycare to pick up your babe and the sour look on your face just melts away. A baby’s happiness is so raw and genuine. For me, it’s been a real attitude check and my days are genuinely better because of Rowan. She’s the best part of my day.

Lesson 4: It’s fun to be goofy

I love Dolly Parton and when I was about 10 years old I wanted to sing one of her songs in a talent show. I don’t remember if I decided against it or if my family gently talked me out of it, but thank goodness I picked a different talent, because the Lord didn’t bless me with good tunes in the slightest way.

Now, with Rowan, who cares?! Everything is a song—getting dressed, bath time, diaper changes… we sing about everything we’re doing and she loves it.

Lesson 5: Moms & dads are super hero’s

Labor and delivery is hard. Parenting is hard. Shoot, parenting + a full time career is hard. I appreciate my mom and dad and all moms and dads on a new level, because now I’m living it.

We’re thankful to have family that lives close by and can jump in and help. One thing I’ve learned is the importance of asking for help and accepting it. As an independent person, this is new for me. Yet it’s a part of the mindset “fake it till you make it”, which I didn’t think a whole lot about until life as a mom. I used to try to perfect every detail and it wasn’t until lately that I realized no one notices the details—only the big picture. And there isn’t enough time in the day most days, so just hone in on what’s most perceptible and do that.

The fun thing in all of this is that I’m sure each year will teach me new lessons. And although it makes me sad to think Rowan is growing up, I know it will be a lot of fun interacting with her as she grows.

To our littlest love,

You will always be our baby and we’ll love you forever and always. I pray God will always be in your heart and no one ever dulls your happy spirit.

Happy 1st Birthday!

So much love and big hugs,

Mom & Dad

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